Trail Run 2017


Flight captain Paul



Not Everything is new ….


…including a pilot …

Ding Ding the bus is leaving and if you are not ready or “on it” you will be left behind.

Many times we have said it in these reports: the “old farts” brigade (as she calls us lot) were out and about the south west of the country on the traditional seasons opening run. Firstly, they are not all old but above 20 something and there are not a lot of young ones who would be able or prepared to ride the distances and time in such an event. 10 Hours on Friday afternoon arriving way after dark ; 7 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday almost 1100 KM all on small back roads and tracks . That is a lot of riding and the body will tell you so.


Not always to plan

It’s never a race but sometimes you would wonder with Ger ( and ex road racer ) and Paul ( mad acrobatic pilot) leading the posse out splitting it up very quickly with some who could not  take the pace others who either could not or decided discretion was better and backed off .  Ding Ding their gone, get on it.  Hardly even time to visit the hedge and if you get punctured be prepared for your mates and even your brother to leave you there. Did not see you stop was the retort. Ding Ding there gone.


Neat . Rear brake and clusch lever

What a day , sunshine and a route winding in and out of the mountains and sea of w cork … fantastic and a great job by Luc and Don the local guys . Hard to get better anywhere and up there with the best one. A lot of hard work so well done to the boys.


A few kept pace…


soon he was on his own

Of course it never quite goes to plan, we dropped a few along the way, broken bikes, tired bodies and too much of the local moonshine may have had some effect as well. I believe it was good stuff, brewed locally and definitely sold at the Mills Inn. Popping eyes and sore heads told us so.



Some new faces, great to see and some different bikes, great to see as well.

Roll on the next one.


1 Comment

  1. Jim Blair Jim Blair
    21st March 2017    

    I was definitely not near the front of the pack, but the enjoyment and new friends made it a very memorable experience for me, and as far as I can tell, for all others who dared take on the large loop from Ballyvourney to Crookhaven, and back!

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