Title: Enduro Training day
Location: Tinahealy
Description: TORC will be running an Enduro training day in Tinahealy. Get regs and forms on the TORC website.
Start Time: 09:30
Date: 2008-09-07
We have been very lucky in that three member of TORC have completed the first stage of this course. They are Alan Graham, Derek Kehoe & Darrell Manning.
Now they want to put their training to good use and all the necessary arrangements have been made for the first training school to be held on the 7th of September. This school will be specifically for Sportsman and Novice. The first school will be limited to 20 riders and priority will be given to current TORC members if the school is over subscribed. But now that we have a good team of coaches we hope that the schools will be a more regular occurrence.