100 Miler team Event Gormanston, Sunday, February 28 2016, North Dublin MCC

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Date(s) - 28/02/2016
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Gormanston Mx Track



100 Miler team Event Gormanston, Sunday, February 28 2016, North Dublin MCC.

This is an Open Motocross event under rules and regulations of MCI and will cater for Youths and Adults.


The winning team will be the team who completes the most full laps of the track in 3 hours. Adult teams will comprise two adult licence holders* and must include at least one C rider. If a rider wants to do the event solo he/she can but conditions apply (i.e. grades). Teams can include two C riders, a C and a B rider or a C and an A rider. Sign on and scrutiny for adults will start at 11am, practice at 12.45 and racing from 1pm to 4pm.  Each team will need one transponder*.  The winning team will get the Martin Finnegan Perpetual Trophy for the year plus a trophy each. Other prizes may be available and are subject to sponsorship. Entries are €90 per team in advance or €100 on the day.  To ensure entry it is advised to enter in advance by telephone with credit/debit card from 9am to 5 pm (Mon-Sat) by Friday Feb 26 (tel. 01 8352264.)


The winning team will be the team which completes the most full laps of the track in approx 2 hours. Time of race will be dependent on entries but will be within 2 hours to 2 hours and 20 minutes. Teams will be made up on the day and the club will endeavour to make sure each team is equal.  There is no need to come up with a partner as the club will sort out the teams. There will be two or three riders on each team (dependant on entries) and one transponder* will be needed for each team.  The same format as the adults will be used with riders swapping transponders between team members.  The transponder will be used like a baton is used in an athletics relay race.  This event is open to 65cc, 85cc and youth 125/250cc riders.  The winning team will get the Martin Finnegan Perpetual Trophy for the year plus a trophy each. Other prizes may be available and are subject to sponsorship. Sign on and scrutiny will be open at 8.30 with racing at 10am. This event will run if there is a minimum of 24 youth riders entered so please enter in advance, cost per rider is €25 in advance or €30 on day. If riders are entered and the event does not have enough riders, entry fees will be returned by card that weekendEntries to be placed by credit/debit card over the telephone by calling 01 8352264 from 9 to 5 every day except Sunday until Friday Feb 26.

Tides, access etc.


Tides are convenient for access on raceday with High tide at 2.30in the morning and again at 14.45 in the afternoon. The tide will be fully out at 8am and the tide will be well on the wayout after adult racing finishes at 4pm. The paddock will be open from the afternoon before and overnight parking is free.




There will be a catering unit on site (Urban Street Kitchen) with fresh coffee, tea and good food available to purchase from early Sunday morning. We encourage riders to support the catering unit as he sponsors the flag marshall’s and medic’s food for the day.


Track and paddock

The track will be fully ripped and graded and for this event and the rhythm section on the seaside straight has been taken out and replaced with an off camber chicane.  After the Youth’s race, a 10 tonne excavator will be present to ready the track for the adults.  14 Flag marshalls are being supplied by the club.  There will be 2 units from Irish Red Cross attending.  Riders must bring their own plastic bags for rubbish and all oil and other waste must be brought home by each competitor.


2016 Helmet inpections

An MCI Off Road Helmet Scrutineer will be present to stamp approved helmets for the 2016 season.


For more details, call/text Mick Mc Ginn: 087 235 25853



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