Bits and pieces Doon

Good to see Ray Tolan back following a mysterious virus, must have spent the time cultivating the beard!
Ciaran arrived complete with new wr (nice) and a ladder. Obviously did not fall off.
Sheamey Hayes went home early following a sighting lap crash. Did he fall or was he pushed?
Rally man Brian McGirr managed to run out of fuel ….blamed the cattle on the farm . ! Nice one .

Ccm Keith was seen sawing trees in the forest ….. ” got lost ‘…….. Motocrosser !
Many riders need to go to English school to learn the difference between inside and outsideĀ  and what walking speed is .Zooooooom and sure we just ignore them cones . Cost some a lot of time .

We see 5 month old Isabel is being trained early on timekeeping ….. Must have pressed the wrong button as race one times disappeared for a few laps . Can only improve.
Tom tom Dooley was out and about on numerous bikes from 89 yam to 78 maico and all in between . Young ones could take a lesson in consistency and fast clutch changing.

Oisin Roe reckons given time he could get good at this.
Young Oliver Davy was motoring around unnoticed as the little 85 disappeared in the whoops …. Caught dad ?
And finally the best represented county was ……….Fermanagh …. Bet you would not get that prize.

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